Canyon Lake, Texas — Brush Piles

TPWD and partners maintain a series of brush piles on Canyon Lake, Texas.

The brush piles are updated annually (for the most part),
especially on the lower half of the lake (nearer the dam).

Here are the GPS coordinates.

Canyon Reservoir Fish Attractor Project
Updated April 26, 2016

Site # Lat/Long Attractor Description Installed Last Supplemented
1 N 29o51.697' Mouth of Turkey Cove on east main lake point along river channel drop.

W -98o13.027'

2005 2014
2 N 29o51.597' In Turkey Cove on rocky bald Y-point splitting cove.

W -98o13.190'

2005 2014
3 N 29o53.707' Along Jacobs Creek channel drop off. 

W -98o12.911'

2005 2016
4 N 29o51.096' Along creek channel drop in small cove uplake from dam.

W -98o12.693'

2005 2014
5 N 29o51.676' Bald secondary point on North side of Turkey Cove east of ramp.

W -98o13.394'

2005 2013
6 N 29o53.918' West side of long rocky point between Cranes Mill and Potters Creek along river channel drop. 

W -98o16.949'

2005 2015
7 N 29o53.979' West side of long rocky point between Cranes Mill and Potters Creek along river channel drop. 

W -98o16.994'

2005 2016
8 N 29o54.554' On main point splitting north side cove along deep ledge.

W -98o17.814'

2005 2013
9 N 29o54.467' Main lake point up-river from water pipeline along deep river channel drop.

W -98o17.361'

2005 2013
10 N 29o54.118' End of bald clay point at Potter's Creek Park near river channel drop.

W -98o16.157'

2005 2015
11 N 29o53.492' Cranes Mill fishing pier. Along North edge of pier and in middle pier hole.

W -98o17.690'

2005 2013
12 N 29o53.343' Ledge along steep bank near point.

W -98o15.866'

2005 2015
13 N 29o53.698' Ledge on rocky bank along east side of Canyon Park in ramp cove.

W -98o13.840'

2005 2014
14 N 29o53.756' Ledge on rocky bank along east side of Canyon Park in ramp cove.

W -98o13.839'

2005 2014
15 N 29o54.539' End of extended point west of Canyon Park area near drop off.

W -98o14.247'

2005 2015
16 N 29o51.530' On southeast side of Comal Park cove along creek channel drop. 

W -98o14.722'

2005 2014
17 N 29o52.762' End of west Jacobs Creek main lake point.

W -98o13.514'

2005 2015
18 N 29o52.669' End of east Jacobs Creek main lake point.

W -98o13.467'

2005 2015
19 N 29o52.181' East side of North Park main lake point.

W -98o12.362'

2007 2015
20 N 29o51.913' Along drop off on North Park extended main lake point.

W -98o12.422'

2007 2013
21 N 29o51.835' Southeast corner of dam.

W -98o11.844'

2007 2015
22 N 29o52.419' Northeast corner of dam.

W -98o11.994'

2007 2015
23 N 29o52.301' On the end of island/hump marked with buoy.

W -98o13.973'

2007 2014
24 N 29o51.642' Along creek channel near Comal Park.

W -98o14.892'

2007 2015
25 N 29o52.608' East side of Jacobs Creek main lake point.

W -98o13.269'

2007 2013
26 N 29o52.538' On the end of point northeast of Tom Creek boat ramp.

W -98o15.475'

2007 2016
27 N 29o54.033' Along ledge on east side of Potters Creek Park.

W -98o15.873'

2007 2014
28 N 29o54.246' Along ledge between Cranes Mill Park and water pipelines.

W -98o17.323'

2007 2016
29 N 29o54.150' On point south of Potters Creek West boat ramp.

W -98o16.668'

2007 2016
30 N 29o53.392' On Canyon Park main lake point.

W -98o14.405'

2007 2013
31 N 29o54.571' End of extended point west of Canyon Park area near drop off.

W -98o14.239'

2007 2016
32 N 29o54.416' Along creek channel northwest of island across from Canyon Lake marina.

W -98o15.077'

2007 2016
33 N 29o54.754' On submerged Cranes Mill Road Bed, south of County Ramp 23.

W -98o17.483'

2008 2016
34 N 29o53.496' Near Cranes Mill Park, north of marina.

W -98o17.268'

2008 2013
35 N 29o54.079' Off east side of point, on opposite side of cove from Potters Creek ramp.

W -98o16.844'

2008 2013
36 N 29o54.442' Hump near river channel, south of Mystic Shores.

W -98o17.619'

2009 2016
37 N 29o53.974' River channel edge, east of Potters Creek.

W -98o15.828'

2009 2016
38 N 29o53.334' Flat point near river channel ledge.

W -98o15.211'

2009 2016
39 N 29o53.768' Hump North of Cranes Mill Marina.

W -98o17.171'

2010 2016
40 N 29o51.619' Creek channel bend near Comal Park.

W -98o14.837'

2010 2014
41 N 29o53.794' Hump on end of point near Canyon Park boat ramps.

W -98o13.711'

2010 2013
42 N 29o53.648' On big point in Jacobs Creek splitting arms

W -98o13.278'

2011 2014
43 N 29o51.968' Near drop off on extended main lake point near North Park.

W -98o12.413'


GPS coordinates are in degree decimal minutes.

Sites 1 through 15 include artificial fish attractors.

Some sites have been removed/renumbered from previous years.

Check out this time-lapse video.

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