I so wanted to have a new bass boat by now, but a series of health problems has kept me back. I don't want to bore you with too many details, but I woke one morning in early April with vision loss in my right eye. (About 60% loss.) After a few doctor visits, MRI and CT scan, it was determined that I might have a tumor on my brain wrapped around my right optic nerve. Turns out it was a cyst, but I still needed to have it removed. So on April 16 I had the surgery. I felt pretty good so I was allowed to go home.
After a few days at home I began to have a lot of pain. It seems I contracted bacteria meningitis and now I had to go back in the hospital. I was quarantined for a few days until they figured out what strain it was and started the anti biotic, which I am still on. The infection spread to my skull where they cut me open so the doctor had to remove a piece of my skull. In a few months I get to go back and have a plate or something put in.
So after a little while I went home again. Memorial day I woke up with serious chest pain. Back to ER. This time I had blood clots in my lungs. Now I'm on a blood thinner for 4 to 6 months. I spent 28 days in the darn hospital so I missed some of the best spring fishing.
If the stock market hadn't tanked so much, I would have been able to pay cash for my new boat. Now I need to finance part of it. I have it narrowed down to two boats. A 21' foot Ranger or 21' foot Phoenix. I'm leaning toward the Phoenix. I think this will be my last boat in my life time so I'm not worried about resale value, otherwise I would go with a Ranger.
With two more surgeries this year, I will hold off making a purchase until after my last surgery, which may be in December 09.
I fished the Texas Bass Federation state tournament in March and did well enough to qualify for the 12-man state team. I was looking forward to fishing the BASS Central Divisional in June. I would have had the unique opportunity to fish in two different Divisionals in my career. I gave up my spot because of my surgeries. Plus I have a hole in my head where they took out part of my skull, so I have to careful not to bump my head.
I think now is a good time to buy so I might do that even if I can't use it till late next winter or spring. I love to fish so much that it pains me to think of all the lost opportunities again this year. I hope your year has gone better than mine.
Summer Night Fishing
How to Catch Bass at Night — 20 great tips
Here are 5 things to know to catch bass at night — plus 15 more tips for success. When it gets so hot that just picking up a rod from the b...

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